

We are proud to offer a variety of travel amenities that you will not be able to find with another agency. If you are adopting with Great Wall China Adoption, some of the amenities could be included in your service plan. If not, you are encouraged to add on any amenity that your...

Travel Visas

In order to travel to China, all individuals must have a visa issued to their passport by a Chinese Consulate. There are 6 Consular districts here in the United States. These districts tend to be spread out over many states, and each of these Consulates tend to have differing...

Orphanage Visits

Our orphanage visit service is available to any adoptive family! This tour option is ideal for families who are already planning a trip to China. The Chinese government requires an orphanage visit permit fee. You will also be required to have a registered guide with you at the...

Gifts of Love

Great Wall China Adoption/Legacy Journey has found a way to let families express their gratitude through a program called “Gifts of Love” that organizes donations. For any tour package, we offer families the chance to donate through our Gifts of Love program. This program was...

China Heritage Tours

Experience the beauty and wonder of China – an enchanting country with a rich history, full of timeless traditions and ancient customs. China gave you the cherished gift of your daughter or son – now it is time for you to share this magic with your child! We have...

Phone Calls Home

Most people choose to call home using Skype, which is a free internet program you can download, if calling from computer to computer. Using the free version allows you to call another computer using video chat if you have internet access and a microphone or webcam. Skype can also...

Packing Tips for China

• Check the maximum luggage weight allowed per traveler by your airline and pack accordingly. For international flights, each passenger is usually allowed to have two checked bags of 50 lbs each and a carry-on (no larger than 14” x 9” x 22”). On China domestic flights, each...

Order Your Travel Visa

In order to travel to China, all individuals must have a visa issued to their passport by a Chinese Consulate. There are 6 Consular districts here in the US. These districts tend to be spread out over many states, and Chinese Consulates do not accept visa applications through any...

Visit Your Physician

As with all international travel, it is recommended that you take certain medical precautions. Legacy Journey highly encourages all travelers to consult with their physicians about recommended and mandatory vaccinations. To have the most benefit, travelers should visit a...

Passports for all Travelers

All travelers, regardless of age, must have a valid passport. The U.S. Department of State is responsible for issuing and renewing U.S. passports. We encourage you to apply for a passport for you and your children as soon as possible. Many people have experienced increased wait...